097: 3 secrets to rolling out changes effortlessly on your team

Season #1

One of the most difficult parts of managing a team is trying to implement a change to team operations.

When you want to make a shift in how work gets done, no matter how beneficial it may be for the team, people are going to resist it.

No one likes change. But if we can simplify the process of implementing changes and finally get our operations shifted the way they need to be...getting work done suddenly becomes SO FREAKING EASY.

Once you actually complete the change, everyone will quickly see the benefits and hop on board...the challenge is getting to that point.

Luckily, I have three simple solutions for getting past obstacles to change within your team. Let's work together to make this shift happen!



Wrestling with an issue with your team? Schedule an hour-long SOS call with me: https://www.liagarvin.com/sos 

Want a checklist of things you can do THIS week to become a better manager (and make your job easier)? Check out my Thriving Team Checklist for a list of quick actions you can take right away with your team: https://www.liagarvin.com/checklist 

Book a FREE Scale-up strategy call to for strategies to scale your team and get time back for yourself: calendly.com/liagarvin/scaleup-strategy?back=1&month=2023-08



Website: https://www.liagarvin.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lia.garvin/