I'm here to make
managing your team
the easiest part of your job.

Go from stressed to scaling with my system for making it easier to get work done and manage your team

>> Schedule your FREE strategy call <<

I'm here to make
managing your team
the easiest part of your job.

Go from stressed to scaling with my system for making it easier to get work done and manage your team

>> Schedule your FREE strategy call <<

Before we dive in, let's get one thing straight

If you are a business owner with a team...
you ARE a manager

And we're about to make managing your team the easiest part of your job

Have you checked out my #1 Bestselling book "The Unstoppable Team"

Grab my playbook for reducing overwhelm as a business owner, increasing profits, and managing your team with ease

Pick up your copy here!

Tired of everything feeling
SO MUCH HARDER than it needs to?

The problem

😰 You are overwhelmed when it comes to managing, hesitate to give feedback and set expectations at the risk of being a micromanager, too deep in the weeds, and working more than you want to me  

😰 You are paying your team members well but feel like you’re the only person focused on growing your business, and the pressure keeps you awake at night 

😰 You are continually reinventing the wheel and work feels harder than it needs to, you don’t have the systems in place to scale

I'll get your team
without adding more work to your plate

The solution

🥳 By understanding the unique needs of your team and where communication is breaking down, I will design the appropriate system, training, or communication strategy to resolve the issue

🥳 By connecting with both you and your team members, I will bridge the gap in communication that is getting in the way of your team reaching its full potential

🥳 You will come away with simple systems for scaling, managers feeling more empowered, and clearly defined opportunities to save 30+ hours each month across your team

Schedule your FREE strategy call

4 ways to get support for your team or business

Customized Team Workshops

  • Looking to bring out the best in your people managers?
  • Is your team struggling with navigating change?
  • Need to find ways to fuel more motivation?

My customized workshops give your teams actionable and practical tools to break through places they are feeling stuck, so they deliver great results while feeling supported.

Schedule your FREE strategy call!

Ops Playbook 

  • Get a FULLY customized and DONE FOR YOU Team Operations Playbook for your team outlining the key systems needed to scale your business and increase your profitability
  • Includes 3 months of implementation support, coaching, training team members, etc. 

Most popular option because I do all of the work for you ;)

Schedule your FREE strategy call!

Team Whisperer
SOS Call

  • Have some difficult feedback to share with a team member? 
  • Not sure how to track work on your team? 
  • Feeling stuck in the weeds?

You will come away from our 60-min call with clear action steps, tools, or templates to resolve your issue. 

Schedule now!

Team Whisperer Consulting Sprint

  • Need support figuring out your team strategy and next key hires?
  • Need SOPs to make it easier for folks to get work done?
  • Looking for coaching for your team members?

Think of this 3-month sprint as having a swiss-army knife in your pocket to build your best possible team

Get support now!

The NUMBER ONE thing business owners say after working together is:

"I wish I brought this to my team sooner."

Why spend one more day stressing over managing your team?

Have an Ops Manager/Director/COO that needs training?

Send them on a 12-week sprint to learn AND implement my system for saving your business 20+ hours/month

Learn more

Current & past clients include

Results you can count on

A Construction Project Management Company eager to scale

The Client: PDB Collaborative

The Challenge: A CEO working in a highly demanding and complex space, needing systems to scale herself and her team members across construction projects spanning from hotels to restaurants. 

The Result: "Collaborating with Lia has been a game-changer for my company. Her ability to ask insightful questions has greatly assisted in breaking down the complexities of our business operations. Lia has been instrumental in helping me identify unique offerings and values of my company, while also providing beneficial guidance in team delegation and management. I thoroughly enjoy our partnership, consistently finding Lia's insights valuable as she continues to help me create systems in my business, simplifying my life."

A Marketing CEO looking to up-level her managers

The Client: GroupTwo

The Challenge: A CEO expanding her brand outside of her business, needing her managers and team members to sustain the momentum of a successful marketing agency with less oversight. 

The Result: "When we started working with Lia, we were going through a transition where my focus as the CEO was shifting in the company, and our managers needed hands-on support that I wasn't able to provide. With her Ops Playbook mapping out clear and simple processes to get everyone on the same page around the systems we needed to continue to scale, and her coaching of our managers on how they could hold team members accountable, Lia up-leveled our entire team, and implemented systems to save us time and money across our agency. I highly recommend working with Lia if you want to take your team and company to the next level."

A PR company transformed

The Client: The Pitch Club

The Challenge: A business owner eager to get out of the weeds and into growth-mode and turn a division of her business from a cost center to a profit center

The Result: "In the three or four weeks since since we we worked with Lia on the playbook in the last month, my team is now nearly paid in client acquisition and basically retention and ongoing client payments, they paid for over half of their cost. And by September 1st, which is in just a little over 40 days, we should be completely profitable with an area of business that was only costing money, which is not only great for the bottom line, but it's just great from an energetic standpoint for me, because I don't feel such pressure to always be the one that has to create the clients and the sales."


A MedSpa CEO eager to scale herself
and her business

The Client: Sculpt Wellness

The Challenge: A CEO feeling like no matter what she focused on, there was always more to do; worried she was missing opportunities to grow her business and better serve her clients. 

The Result: "I just know that for so many other business owners out there or for CEOs, it can just feel like you're always spinning your wheels and not a lot of movement. And you really, how you were able to come in and so quickly pull out of me what you helped me realize, I actually do know what I need to do. I just have never had anyone help me be able to like structure it in a way that feels realistic, doable, and then you just immediately and so quickly in such a quick turnaround, creating an action plan... I really am blown away at your expertise, your, special gift that you have to come in and to really read a team and to see where there's communication blocks and where there's room for improvement and how to really like 10X productivity."

A MedSpa in hyper growth mode

The Client: BevelUp

The Challenge: A CEO scaling to her second location, eager to maintain the same world class luxury experience from one location to the next as she expands, and have more ownership across the team in growing the business. 

The Result: "After introducing the playbook to the team, I feel like I have given them the support and clarity they need to succeed - a road map about who we are as a brand and where they show up in that success story. It has taken the burden of being an "issues manager" or "guidance counselor" for the team off my shoulders and given them the freedom to move through challenges with confidence. The team now has a resource that clearly defines how success looks at BevelUp and it has given me the freedom to focus on building the brand."

"Lia's many talents, experience, and practical approach to building resilient high-performing teams is unmatched. I've had the privilege to witness firsthand the transformative impact of her guidance, including double digit increases in employee sentiment scores following her programming. I can't think of a better way to elevate your organization and find deeper enjoyment in your work."

Engineering Director, Google


"Lia was fabulous! She spoke to our group of leaders to frame our forthcoming conversations about Navigating Risk & Reward. She was warm and friendly while her experience and knowledge about workplace realities really showed through. It was exactly what we needed, got the group thinking about — and engaged in — the topic, and ready to explore it together even more in the future. Thank you, Lia!"

Vice President, The National Nonprofit Alliance


"Lia and I focused on strengthening my skills around people management and giving difficult feedback. Her coaching helped me delegate responsibilities better, saving me hours of time in my own work, and turn around the performance with a struggling team member into a star employee."

Group Account Director, Skona

Schedule your FREE strategy call

Working together is right for you if...

 🔥 you understand the importance of investing in your team  

🔥 you are tired of feeling overwhelmed my managing your team, unsure if you are doing the right things

 🔥 you want to grow your business or team to that next milestone or break through a plateau

Meet the Team Whisperer

You know those moments when you felt like you explained what was in your mind COMPLETELY CLEARLY, but then your team didn’t get it or do the thing right? Or when you have to answer the same questions over and over? Or when you had an AMAZING new hire that was crushing it and then unexpectedly left the team? These are miscommunications that happen all of the time on teams, and they’re frustrating for both the business owner as well as the team members.

Enter the Team Whisperer. My passion is in being the translator between the vision in your head and how your team understands it - connecting the dots, making it clearer, and surfacing what in it for THEM so they get on board.

Working in team operations for a decade in big tech in companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google, I learned the differences between what makes a team perform at their best and what makes a team fall short, even with all of the resources in the world; and I’m here to bring these secrets to you to reduce overwhelm, improve retention, and help you scale your business.

What happens next?

Schedule a time &
complete the form

Click to schedule a time for your free strategy call, completing the form to share a little more about your team so we can best utilize our time together.

Hop on your
strategy call

Share more about your business and where you're getting stuck, and I'll share some quick things you can do right away to start optimizing your team.

Map out your
game plan

In our call, we'll figure out what program is right for you based on where you are with your team and business; ensuring you're left feeling setup for success.

Schedule your FREE strategy call
Note that in order to best serve our clients and provide hands on support, there are a limited number of spaces allotted for strategy calls.

What else is cooking?

Managing Made Simple Podcast

Demystifying the good, and bad, and the ugly of life as a people manager; sharing tips, tools, stories from the trenches, and interviews with experts. Because let's face it, wouldn't it be easier if giving hard feedback didn't make you want to throw up?

Check it out


Overwhelmed, frustrated, or burned out? It's time to get UNSTUCK. Unstuck is your field manual for looking at places you are feeling stuck and reframing your perspective, opening up all new ways of handling even the toughest situations, from feedback to comparison to negotiating and more. 

Check it out

Team Workshops

Whether it's supporting your managers with issues like giving feedback, navigating change, or communication norms around hybrid work; or team-wide topics like owning our accomplishments & overcoming impostor syndrome, my targeted workshops help higher engagement and better performance on teams

Check it out

Alright let's do this -
ready to save time and money,
and break through that plateau?

➡️ Schedule your strategy call and share more about where you are getting stuck with your team
➡️ Get tailored support to transform your team into a high performing profit generating machine
➡️ Get out of overwhelm and get into your zone of genius (saving a ton of time and money in the process!)
Schedule your FREE strategy call

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