Finding yourself deep in the weeds, struggling to get your team to rise to their full potential?

Get a team expert in your back pocket to help you navigate all of the sticky "team stuff", freeing you to focus on growing your profits

Schedule your free strategy call today

Let's turn around your team in 90 days

Places we can focus during our sprint...

Team Operations

  • Simple system for tracking status of work - No more worrying about having to micromanage every detail of how your team is working
  • Onboarding checklist - No more wasting money on new hires not understanding what they should be working on
  • Framework for expectations to incentives - No more feeling like you're the only one focused on sales or growth

Leadership Coaching

  • Tools and frameworks to plan tough feedback conversations or team changes so they finally go well without you having to stress
  • Coaching on how to be a better leader who motivates without getting stuck in the "friend-zone"
  • Audit of communication breakdowns to ensure your team takes action without needing to explain things twice

Team Coaching

  • Coaching and accountability for your team members so you can tap into their full potential and they achieve better results in less time
  • Sounding board for members of your team to problem solve, instead of bringing every issue to you
  • Get a finger on the pulse to the needs of your team, because we all know there's always more to the story than what they are telling you

You get all of this PLUS unlimited text/voice note support so you're never up a creek without a paddle.

Danielle Foley, CEO of PDB Collaborative

"Collaborating with Lia has been a game-changer for my company. Her ability to ask insightful questions has greatly assisted in breaking down the complexities of our business operations. Lia has been instrumental in helping me identify unique offerings and values of my company, while also providing  beneficial guidance in team delegation and management. I thoroughly enjoy our partnership, consistently finding Lia's insights valuable as she continues to help me create systems in my business, simplifying my life."

This program is right for you if...

  • You are ready for proven systems so you no longer have to reinvent the wheel every time you do the exact same task

  • You recognize you're not showing up how you want to as a leader and want someone to help you get better at it

  • You feel like you've hit a plateau with your team and neeed them to step up in a bigger way

  • You've heard you need some team systems... but you don't really know what that means or where to start

  • You are struggling to connect with your team members, it feels like directions go in one ear and out the other

  • Your team's motivation is LOW and you know you need to turn it around quickly

  • You've put people into management roles who don't have experience managing... and they need some love

I've got you covered for ALL OF THIS  and MORE

Book your free strategy call