Managing Made Simple for Team Leaders & Small Business Owners

Managing Made Simple for Team Leaders & Small Business Owners

Hosted by: Lia Garvin

Being a people manager is kind of the best. But it's kind of the worst too, right? I mean between questions like, “how do I know what to talk about in a 1:1 meeting?” to “how do I give difficult feedback without being...


126: How to recognize great work when budgets are tight

Season #1

What is one thing you can do everyday on your team that motivates people and costs you zero money? Recognizing people! Yes, my friends, saying THANK YOU in a way that is genuine, specific, and actionable goes...
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125: Easy ways to set boundaries with your team

Season #1

Boundary setting with our teams is one of those things that no matter how good we get at it, it keeps rearing it's ugly head. Doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, and certainly doesn't mean it's too late for...
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124: Help! Should I make this a new company policy?

Season #1

When something isn't going the way you want it to on your team or in your business, it can be tempting to want to roll out a new policy to get people to fall in line. But policies signify compliance, and while we want...
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123: Feedback 101 - Receiving feedback as a leader... and in your life

Season #1

Receiving feedback might just be harder than giving it... ok, it's totally harder. Especially as a leader. A lot of times our team members have gripes about things happening on our teams and in our businesses without...
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122: Feedback 101 - Giving feedback so your team can take meaningful action

Season #1

"Can I give you some feedback?" I've said it before and I'll say it again - the six SCARIEST words someone can say to another person. Am I right? But feedback is critical information we need to be sharing with our...
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121: Wednesday Trendsday - what is “quiet vacationing” and how do we prevent it?

Season #1

Today I'm launching a new type of episode, Wednesday Trendsday, where I will pop open Google News and break down a popular workplace trend. This week is all about "quiet vacationing"... um what?! Let's talk about what...
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120: What to do when a team member isn't meeting their full potential

Season #1

When a team member isn't meeting their full potential, it can be frustrating as a manager and leader. We know they're capable of more, we feel like we've set them up for success, but something isn't quite there. When...
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119: Two words that are PREVENTING your team from being accountable

Season #1

In trying to build connection with our team and get them to do something, we often use two fateful words that shoot ourselves in the foot: I NEED.  Something that is an expectation of a role on your team isn't a need,...
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118: The keys to a high performing remote team, with Justin Benson, CEO of the Bara Agency

Season #1

When it comes to running a high performing virtual team, the Bara Agency has it figured out. In this week's episode of Managing Made Simple, I'm joined by Justin Benson, the CEO of Bara Agency, where we talk about the...
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117: Operations aren’t boring, they’re the secret to higher profits

Season #1

What do knowing how long work takes to get done, meetings ending on time, and work all being tracked in one place have in common? They ALL save you time and money and are part of healthy team operations.  When I talk...
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116: How to know it's the right time to hire a another manager

Season #1

There comes a time for every leader when we just can't do everything ourselves. We might come to this realization quickly, or it might take us a while to get there - but it always happens. We're not able to have the...
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115: This one question will save you time and make delegating easier

Season #1

The funny thing about delegating is that it isn't just about handing over a bunch of work - it's about handing over the RIGHT set of work.  In episode 115 of Managing Made Simple, I talk about how to figure out what...
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