078: Don't write off your team members until you've tried this

Season #1

We've all had those days when it feels like nothing is going right on your team. I mean "come on people!" But before you write off your team members and go down the path of thinking you need all new people, try a perspective shift. 

In this episode I share ways to reframe this stuck feeling into one of opportunity but taking responsibility for how you're showing up, setting clearer expectations, and building more trust. It's wayyy easier and more cost effective than hiring all new people. 


 Ready to become a better manager THIS MONTH?! Get the Thriving Team Scorecard and join my 20-day challenge to become a better manager to your team in just 20 days: liagarvin.com/scorecard

Looking for support for your team? Reach out to [email protected] to learn more about one of my four core focuses for teams:

For Entrepreneurs & Founders - Ready to save 30 hours EVERY MONTH to reinvest into your business? That's getting back about $7500-10k a month without having to do any extra work as a business owner. Ask about "done for you" Ops Playbook system for streamlining your team operations.
For Corporate Managers & Teams - Want to build more effective managers, get better at giving & receiving feedback, solve RTO the right way, or support your team in navigating change and uncertainly? Ask about my "Manager & Team workshops".


Connect with me!
LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/liagarvin
Instagram: instagram.com/lia.garvin
Web: liagarvin.com
Music by Y8S: isaacy8s.com